Our Vision

“ To work with all available resources and networks dedicated to ease the suffering of humanity uplift living conditions of affected people providing health & education facilities with the aim of promoting self-sufficiently. ”

Our Aims & Objectives

Medical Centres & Departments

(Medical Director Dr. A. E. Siddiqui) Running a medical center and pathological laboratory at present in Karachi at two places where deserving poor people are being treated by qualified doctors, lady doctor and para medical staff. Now we are ascending towards dialysis center and therapy center. Several medical camp had been created at different places for awareness of human health and General hygenic of people in camping about 500 people had been diagnosed of and given directive for treatment. We are also willing to bring all our centers under a route where all diseases may be treated at one time for which we are trying to acquire land and to build a well-furnished Hospital Building. we are Seeking for any advisor and supporter in our mission.

Medical University & Research Centre

Our mission is to establish Medical university and its research centers in remote areas of Pakistan where we will trained and offer many programs for para medical staff Such as to meet Medical Emergency. We are looking forward to develop 500 beds Hospital.

Educational Institutes

(Educational Director S. M. Zia Rais) Provide basic education facilities to deserving people. Our motive is to remove the illiteracy from Pakistan. We are also giving Education classes in night for our volunteers and for others.

Medical Camps

We are providing basic health facilities or health services and create an environment for public whether it is Natural disaster or normal health camp.

Poverty Alleviation

Our basic mission is to make people self-generate and trying to remove begging approach from there mind.

Our Mission

“ To provide better healthier educated society without any discrimination, sectarian, creed, colors, religions for present and coming generations on the humanity ground. ”

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